Saturday, March 5, 2011

Exciting Things Occuring

It has been quite some time since I have written here.  But I do have some really good reasons. Really, I do.

First, I spent the summer finishing the first draft of a book. Then sent it out for review. It has been on the back burner for a few months.  Hopefully, I'll be getting back to finishing the re-write sooner rather than later in the near future.

Second, we sent Nathan off to college. August was busy just gathering and packing all the stuff for college. And then....  Let's just say that trying to get adjusted to the new flow and routine around the house was a little difficult.  You don't really realize how much your schedule evolves around your kids.  With so much time left on my hands I SHOULD have been blogging away. Instead, I spent a great deal of time cleaning, organizing and other activities around the house.

And, finally,  Dan tasked me with the job of getting our ministry website back up and running.  This sent waves of fear through me for a few months as I procrastinated because of the whole "I don't know anything about HTML" situation.  Thankfully, we have a wonderful computer geek on our church staff who designed and established the bones of the site. He even set it up so that I pretty much can just copy/paste most of the stuff and simply change the pertinent info.  Once I got used to that I've been a little braver and have ventured out to find coding features on my own.  Don't ask me to build a site.  But I can at least work on ours now without having to call our computer guru every other day. (Which was exactly what I was doing for the first MONTH!) The website is now to such a point that I am happy to invite you to go visit. I'll post more about what you will find later, but for now, go check it out at

So, I've said all that to say, that in the next month or so I will be setting up a writing schedule to help me focus on blogging, book writing and editing.  {Dan is a slave driver... I can only do three or four things at a time! ;-)}