Friday, June 1, 2012

A Prayer for My Pastor

Quoted by Robert G. Lee in "Who Said That?" ~ Senator Robert S. Kerr -
A Prayer for My Pastor ~ "Our Father, let me be a pillar of strength to help hold him up and not a thorn in his back to pull him down. Let me support him without striving to possess him. Let me lift his hands without placing shackles around them. Let me give him help that he may devote more time in working for the sa
lvation of others and less time in gratifying my vanity. Let me work for him as the pastor of all the members and not compel him to spend precious time in bragging on me. Let me be unselfish in what I do for him and not selfish in demanding that he do more for me. Let me strive to serve him and the church much and be happy as he serves me less and the church and others more."

Oh, that we would only see WE BRING GRIEF to the man of God when we fight and bicker amongst ourselves; when we seek special treatment instead of putting ourselves and our desires aside for the furtherance of the Gospel; when we make unreasonable demands; when we think we can do better than he; when we resist the instruction of God's Word; when we question his authority; when we lack understanding of the vision God has given him.

Hebrews 13:17 ~ Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: FOR THAT IS UNPROFITABLE FOR YOU.

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